A "Slider Game" orginally known as "15 Game" because they had 15 pieces to slide around and get back into the correct order. I remember really enjoying these as a young child.
Play It!A simple Calculator written in JavaScript which performs basic math functions. Mostly learning about functions, event handling, and more about objects and OOP.
CalculateDestroy the bouncing balls game. An exercise in Object Oriented Progrmming.
Play it!React Application implementing CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete. All in the form of a "To Do List." Every husband's nightmare.
To Do ListAdding API calls to fetch the information! First efforts manipulating Google Maps.
Absurdist DiningThis is an exercise in controlling and manipulating state. Starting to play with Model - View - Controller
MindreaderGetting used to maniplulating the DOM by building a digital clock which is updated every second, but only the parts which are modified are re-rendered.
ClockA bit more logic to handle changes as the seconds tick away. Days become hours. Hours become minutes. Minutes become seconds.
TimerBasic programming concepts and computational thinking. Learning the basics such as variables, procedural logic and loops.
Get sillyUsing CSS and HTML together with images and links to build a splash page for Mozilla.
Feast Your EyesThe code for all of these projects is on GitHub. Visit my page and see what I've done. None of them are truely finished, but I'm moving on to bigger, more complex projects.